First Psychology Dundee – counselling | CBT | psychotherapy | coaching

Working with international students

Being away from home and needing to be more independent can be challenging for many students and they may feel stressed, depressed, anxious, or lonely.  International students may particularly struggle with such issues because they face a lot more change.

Why do international students struggle?

  • They have less access to their support network (family and close friends).
  • They may be used to living in a different culture with different ways of doing things.
  • They may not feel able to express themselves in social situations and therefore may feel lonely.
  • They may be under extreme personal or family pressure to perform and may have financial concerns too.
  • They may not know how to seek help and may worry about expressing their feelings in another language.

Supporting international students

Universities and colleges are very aware that students struggle with their mental health and many provide wellbeing services for their students, which are often free. If you are struggling, it's worth speaking to your university or college to find out what support is available. However, recent research found that many students feel uncomfortable about sharing their mental health issues with their educational institution and the number of sessions may be limited too. 

If you would like to speak to someone who is independent of your university/college, we can help. We can work with you on a self-referred basis for as many sessions as you need. 

  • We offer sessions during term-time and during the holidays.
  • We offer in-person and online sessions.
  • We provide a range of therapy options to meet the needs and preferences of each person.
  • Our practitioners are all fully trained and experienced.
  • We can often work with you in another language
  • We accept payment in person and online, making it easy for family to pay for your sessions, if they wish.

Get in touch

The first step to getting support is to get in touch to find out more about our services and how we may be able to help. 

Practitioners offering Therapy for Students in Dundee: